Act 1, Scene 2 - The Past [Continued]

"I can and I will, the metal inserts are as
strong as the teenage love we left behind on that
snowy peak"
"After last time you can't deny the importance of the gap."
"Forget the gap, that pig meant nothing to me."

t e t r a  c  h  l  o  r  o  m  e  t  h  a  n  e
mush mush
. Gowland: The First Forty-Seven Hours
hello! The world's most loveable cartoon stick Beantin, his girlfriend with incredible tits...Sainsbury his suspiciously inteligent dog...The Sofa (and chums)...The mischeivous Door...Frith the adopted rabbit...Also featuring the appitimy of evil, Avon the Cat.
. Great Ceilings
...If it wasn't for these wonderful things, we'd all get squashed when the sky fell in. We'd get wet too. We'd get less neck ache, but what's the point dwelling on the less postitive aspects of ceiling spotting. It's a joy and you know it. Get down and look up.
Random TV Personallity
. Random TV Personallity
Every couple of weeks or so I'll be bringing to your attention a famous, or not so famous, TV personality. Yes it's really that shite nothing more nothing less just a person's name splattered in the middle of your screen. You've been thinking that the 'net was a waste of time, money, and resources well this is proof.
. UK Christmas Chart Toppers
Here in an attempt to settle argument's all across the nation, nay the world, and to make even the youngest members of you the viewers feel bloody old CCl4 brings you a list of the past 31 British Christmas Number One singles. Including Christmas 2004. Mull of Kintyre, the mist rolling in on...
. Shite Acorn Software
We've always been known for our quality, oh yes. Now we're letting you feel the quality; experience our wonderfully non-existent lack of support; throw rubber bricks at your monitor in frustration at our point black refusal to listen to suggestions or fix long standing and fucking obvious bugs; Smile in joy at our policy to give useful and sensible applications rude names.
t e t r a  c  h  l  o  r  o  m  e  t  h  a  n  e
. The CCl4 organisation
There is a time when your destiny overtakes your reality.
CCl4 is that destiny; dive in the water's salty.
Observe the 503 reasons why you should be a CCl4 mason.
. The Great Viewdata Revival
Before the days of the internet as a mass medium...
Before the days of the dreaded ANSI bulletin board...
There was a happy time.
what's new then eh?
. Its that time again, the yearly update of something on the site, another Christmas Top 40 Pop-pickers... I've added Do They Know It's Christmas to the list of Christmas Number Ones for the third time...
glug glug glug
blue ribbon Sooth those sores -

(c) 2005 CCl4
placenta cafae sumus

James Royal-Lawson, webbstrateg och webbkonsult